While it may be unsettling to believe that people would be willing to steal mobility scooters, there is a growing trend in the number of mobility scooter thefts occurring. One of the main motivations behind mobility scooter theft is that thieves can sell these expensive devices to make some quick cash. As many mobility scooters can be expensive to replace the loss of a mobility device can be devastating. This is why it’s important that you take some precautions against theft. We’ve put together a list of our top tips to help keep your mobility scooter secure.
Do Not Leave Mobility Scooters Unattended
When you are using your mobility scooter, it’s important that you do not leave it unattended. If left unattended, this provides thieves with a prime opportunity to take your scooter. If your mobility scooter comes with a key, make sure you remove the key when away from the scooter. This will also prevent young children from starting the scooter and causing any damage to the device. If you are required to leave your mobility scooter unattended then invest in an alarm. A mobility scooter alarm will help to ensure the safety of your mobility vehicle.
Securely Store Your Mobility Scooter
When storing your mobility scooter at home, it’s important that you do so in a safe place. This secure place should be out of site and can be locked. We understand that leaving your mobility scooter in your garden may seem safe, however, any thieves will see this as the perfect opportunity to take your mobility scooter. Investing in a shed to keep your scooter in is definitely worth the time and money to protect it.
Fit a Scooter Tracker
For anyone concerned with mobility scooter theft, it is possible to install a scooter tracker. This small device can easily be fitted to your mobility scooter. This device uses mobile technology to broadcast the location of your scooter.
If you’re interested in testing out the award-winning Rollerscoot, don’t hesitate to get in touch and book your test drive with us today! You can view our sister site for more details on this mobility scooter by clicking on the Rollerscoot tab above.